Monday, August 26, 2013

Finding Cheryl's Father

About a year ago I was invited to a birthday party at the home of a lady named Cheryl.  Cheryl and I had met through a mutual friend but we barely knew each other.  While I was at the party something was said about me being a PI and finding missing persons.  Cheryl said she had been looking for her father for many years and had just about given up on ever finding him.  I asked her what information she had to work with and she went inside and got some papers and photos.  She had a photo of her parents when they married about 50 years ago.  Her father was in the Navy and after Cheryl was born the parents were divorced and Cheryl did not remember ever knowing him.  She had her parent's marriage license and divorce papers.   Even though he had a very common name and his last known address was on a Naval ship, the marriage and divorce papers had some valuable information that Cheryl had not known what to do with.  The papers had his middle initial, date, and place of birth, and those were huge clues.

I started looking for Cheryl's father and soon I found him.  I called to make sure he was the right person and to ask permission to give Cheryl his contact information.  I spoke to some of his family members who relayed the information to him and told me they were all thrilled that Cheryl had found him........he had always wanted to find her also.

I went back to Cheryl's house to give her the information and within about 30 minutes she was on the phone with her father.  They talked for the next couple of hours and were soon planning a trip for Cheryl to visit him.  Needless to say this was a wonderful reunion and they have kept in touch on almost a daily basis.

From past experience I know that many people have a need to find a father or other relative or old friend.  No knowing what happened to a  loved one can cause a void in someone's life and they need answers.  Regardless of what they find, the truth will set them free.  Once the truth is found, the void is filled and most people are able to find closure.

Almost anyone can be found if you have a full name, date of birth, and place of birth.

One of my favorite resources to find information is

If you need to find someone and like Cheryl have tried everything you know how to do and need help, know that I have over twenty years of experience and a proven track record for finding and reuniting separated families.

Privacy laws protect certain information, but there are many public records available at public libraries, archive libraries, court houses, the internet, and many public offices.  Hiring a professional investigator can save you time and money because they have the knowledge and experience to know how and where to look for information.



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