Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Adoption Search

An adoption search is one of the most difficult searches of all.  Only six states have open records that allow an adoptee or a member of the biological family to search for each other.

According to a study committee for the American Pediatric Association "It is vital for one to know their identity in order to develop normally."

If it is vital to know one's identity, why is this information being denied by so many states?   It seems that adoptees are victims that are basically denied the right to know their identity, their medical history, and their heritage.

A birth mother intended for adoption to be in the best interest of their child's life.  Some birth mothers were denied any information about their child.   Many birth mothers live with guilt and regret.  Biological families have a real need to know if the child given up for adoption had a good life and that adoption was in their best interest.  They have a need for peace of mind.
Adoptees have a real need to know their identity, their medical history, and their heritage.

An adoption search is not necessarily for a is primarily for identity, peace of mind, and closure.

Shame on the states that don't have open records.

Adoption searches are very time consuming and expensive, depending on what information is available.  Check with your state laws to determine if you qualify for identifying or non-identifying information, and whether or not that state has a mutual consent registry.  Be sure to sign up on the registry and request whatever information is allowed.

If you need to hire a professional to search for you, you must have certain information. 

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