Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Searching for a woman who may be an identical twin that was taken at birth and given up for adoption without the knowledge or consent of the mother.  It is possible that this child was given to the Memphis branch of the Tennessee Children's Home Society (TCHS) for adoption.

For many years (1920-1950) Georgia Tann worked both in Mississippi and Tennessee with children who were adopted.  After being run out of Mississippi she became the director of the TCHS in Memphis and it was believed that  in order to have wealth and power she took children from their mothers anyway she could get them and then sold the children.  The children were victims of kidnapping and abuse, and most lived horrible, nightmare lives.  Their birth records and adoption records contained false information and the records were hidden and believed to be destroyed, but in working on many searches I was able to find the missing records.  They do exist even though some of the information contained in them is probably inaccurate or false.

Around 1950 Georgia Tann was under investigation for her adoption scandal but died of cancer before she was prosecuted.  After this investigation new adoption laws and regulations began in Tennessee.

Over the years I have worked on many adoption searches for adoptees and biological families and was hired to research the TCHS for a writer who published an article and a book about the TCHS.  The book was made into a movie.

It is possible that the woman I am seeking may have been one of these children.  Please share this information and if you know of anyone who was born on this date, at this location, please contact me immediately.

At this time I have found 40 women with this date of birth who lived in Mississippi.  Some are deceased, some have moved away, and some are still there.  I am in the process of contacting them.  Only 34 babies were born in Union County, Mississippi in July of 1946 so there is a slim chance that if this person exists, I will be able to find her.