Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Adoption Searching

After working many years and tracking down criminals I discovered that the most difficult search of all is an adoption search.  The main reason that this search is so difficult is that information is not available in most states without a court order.  Only six states have "Open Records", meaning that the adoption records may be opened if certain criteria exists.   In most states the state laws prevent adoptees or biological families from receiving any identifying information, therefore these laws are victimizing and preventing adoptees from knowing their identity.

According to a study committee at the Academy of Pediatrics it was disclosed that children need to know their identity in order to develop normally.  It is not fair to deny a child the right to know it's identity, which is what these state laws are doing.  By denying adoptees the right to know their identity these state laws are victimizing and discriminating adoptees.

What needs to be done to prevent state laws from victimizing adoptees?  Every state has a legislature that makes the laws.  Every voter votes to elect these representative to enact legislation to make laws.  Until voters make it known that they want to make changes to the laws, the legislature will assume no one is unhappy with them, and no change will take place.  For those who want to change the laws it is a fairly simple process.  Someone need to register to become a "lobbyist".  A lobbyist is a person who represents an interest group.  The lobbyist will write down what changes they would like to see done to a certain law and will then ask an elected official to "sponsor" their bill (new law).  There will need to be two sponsors, one in the House and one in the Senate.  These sponsors will then send the proposed new law to a legal division to make sure the new law is worded correctly.  Once the new proposed law is correctly written it may be distributed to each legislator.  The lobbyist will need to make an appointment and talk to each individual elected official and ask for their vote. 

If you are not happy with your state law and want to see a change, this is how you do it.  It starts with one person who does not think something is fair.  That person finds other people who agree and want to see a change.  Soon there is a group of people who support your idea and when you feel like you have enough interest and support it is time to take action.  You can hire a lobbyist or become a lobbyist.  The lobbyist is the messenger who represents the views and interests of the group.

Are you happy with your state laws?  Is there something you feel is unfair and you think there needs to be a change?  Don't just sit there, do something.  If no one does anything, nothing will happen.

Privacy laws protect certain information, but there are many public records available at public libraries, archive libraries, court houses, the internet, and many public offices.  Hiring a professional investigator can save you time and money because they have the knowledge and experience to know how and where to look for information.

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