Recently someone asked me to locate a stalker. In the 1970's the stalker had threatened her life and made her life so miserable that she moved far away from her hometown in hopes the stalker could not or would not find her. When she moved, she left all her family and friends behind but now wanted to return home. She has had some serious medical problems and is now all alone. Before she can return she needs to know where the stalker is located.
It did not take me long to find a trail of the stalker, but was shocked to find that the stalker died in the 1980's. The victim of the stalker had been hiding and in fear for many years. Had she known the stalker was dead, her life could have been different. She could have returned to her hometown many years ago. She would have had less stress and maybe avoided a heart attack. Maybe she was afraid of the unknown or in denial.....but it might have made her life better if she had checked on the whereabouts of the stalker sooner.
When I contacted the victim to tell her the stalker is deceased she was immediately relieved. She is now planning to return to her hometown and will try to find some old friends.
If you or someone you know is living with the unknown or in fear of someone and you need to know where that person is, regardless of the situation or the outcome, I believe the truth will set you free.